2 days ago was the first time I had ever said the words "I want to be a writer" out loud. To be honest I had never even said it in my head so telling my husband was a big step for me. Starting a blog was his suggestion. I liked the idea but I have to admit it was daunting. I tried a couple of times but never got passed the welcome page before getting scared and closing it (....I spook easy, okay?). I mean, I want my work to be read and I'm not afraid of a little criticism but the internet can be so harsh. There's no filter there. I was worried that I would get discouraged before I even began. Obviously I got over that, I figure that if I can handle what the internet has to dish out, I can handle anything.... Please be gentle.
Next item on the docket was to come up with a name. I was thinking to name it "0 to Writer" but I´m not actually starting at 0. Writing has been a hobby of mine since highschool thanks to an amazing english teacher I had so I thought "10 to Writer" would be better. It also sounds better than "0 to Writer"...catchier I think. Don´t say it too many times though, it´s one of those things that loses all meaning quickly.
So now I´m committed. I have a shiny new blog and shiny new desire to not feel like a failure. Hurrah?
Well done!, it looks promising.