Monday, January 2, 2012

That's so 15 years ago...PSYCHE!

I’ve recently began reliving my teen-years and man am I loving it. What does that include you ask? Well, not insecurity, apathy and pimple cream I assure you. 
 It all started with re-watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I have no idea why I started watching it again to be honest. It’s been years since I even thought of the show and I didn’t even watch the whole series when it was on. I think I stopped watching it in the beginning of the 6th season. It got a little bit...heavy later on though.  But start watching it again I did and man is it good shit. How is this show is not still on? I see 90210, Mad About you, hell even M.A.S.H. is still re-running (and yes I understand that there is a big difference between MASH and Buffy but it’s also been a lot longer people). As if!  So where’s the Buffy??
I think I even enjoy watching it more now than before cause I get all the blink-and-you-missed-it dirty jokes and more of the references (my favourite being Trogdor the Burnator....I’m deep I know).  As goofy as the title sounds, it was a great show that had a lot of really significant story lines. It’s amazing that it’s still worth watching and relevant even after 10 years. 
I can’t say that for all the shows I used to watch though. I tried to get into Ally McBeal again. I remembered it being really funny and I loved it as a kid. I was really sad to learn that the show sucked. I watched a whole season before throwing my hands in the air in defeat. It wasn’t good.
Also, I started listening to music from the 90’s and omigod does that bring me back. Where did all the good music go? The 90’s were awesome for alternative rock. That’s what it was called at least...alternative. I don’t know what exactly that means or what the difference between that and regular rock is but that’s what we called it. These are the things I’m listening to the most right now:

Moist  (Creature) This was my very first C.D. I remember sitting on my bed and popping it into my little blue C.D. player and listening to it over and over again. I also remember feeling like the lyrics were vaguely sexual without really understanding why. I still don’t know what the fuck he’s singing about but damn if it doesn’t sound good.

Our Lady Peace ( Clumsy)- Anyone else remember when you couldn’t have the radio on for 10 minutes without hearing something from OLP?  This was a great C.D. I’m not a fan of the stuff they’ve done recently but this was the shit.

The Tea Party- nuff said

Silverchair – This band was the shit. Didn’t hurt that Daniel Johns was crazy hot

Econoline Crush- I totally forgot about this band until I started looking for 90’s music. Thanks to the “Big Shiny Tunes”, I managed to find a ton of old music.

Collective Soul (Precious Declaration, Smashing Young Man, Where the River Flows, Gel)....good gravy that’s good stuff!

                Oh man, this list goes on and on. 

                Now I just have to start drinking gut-rot inducing amounts of Rev and hanging magazine cut-outs on my wall and my regression will be complete.  I don’t think my husband would have the same enthusiasm for having Jason London, Skeet Ulrich and James Marsters plastered all over our bedroom as I do though (pouty face). I’ll ask.

Peace Out Peeps


  1. I love Buffy! In fact, I may have to watch the entire series again!

  2. You should!! I'm considering watching other Joss Whedon shows now too. I hear Firefly was good.
